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Homespun Devotion — Idioms, Spiritually Speaking

This book is a collection of idioms used in daily conversations. The author uses them in combination with biblical principles and stories to provide guidance for living.

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All Over but the Shouting

II Corinthians 9:15 AMPC

Now thanks be to God for His Gift, [precious] beyond telling [His indescribable, inexpressible, free Gift]!

Matthew 27:46  AMP

About the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud [agonized] voice, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”

You gave Your life, Jesus.  You died.  Did You shout “Hallelujah!” when You were back in heaven?  Were You thrilled to be back in Your own home, finished with Your time on earth and those three days in the grave?  Was it all over but the shouting?

I cannot imagine what it must have been like to leave heaven, come to earth, spend 33 years among people who were disrespectful, lacking faith and trust, confused, and even cruel to You.  Thankfully, there were some who treated You well most of the time.  But in the scheme of things, it was just a few, and they had their doubts.

There were the twelve whom You called to be Your apostles.  You taught them, trusted them with healing people, asked them to pray for You.  Most of the time, they did good with what You asked them to do.  At the end, however, they had their doubts, and faltered in their faith.  Peter denied You three times, some avoided the sight of the cross so they would not see You suffer or be likely to go up on a cross themselves, and we all know that Judas actually betrayed You.

Your love for them and for all of us became evident as You allowed those Roman soldiers to lead You to the cross of crucifixion, allowed Satan to appear to win, and allowed the apostles to walk away each in their own way.  Actually, Lord, it was not evident to them at that time, but in hindsight, they saw it perfectly.  They were not shouting, “Hallelujah!” as You hung on that cross, but they were when You appeared in that room without coming through a door or window!

And there were the masses of people.  One day they lined the streets with palm branches, proclaiming You as King.  Some of them were fickle and were in the crowd that shouted, “Crucify Him!” a few days later.  How many of them were in the thousands that were baptized as recorded in the book of Acts?  Did they shout “Hallelujah!” when they realized You were resurrected, just as You had said You would be?

I have so many questions, Lord, but I suspect when I get to heaven, I won’t care!  I’ll be thrilled to be with You, and I’ll be shouting, “Hallelujah!” to Jesus my Savior and Lord!  What a savior You are, giving me something for which to shout “Hallelujah!” every day of my life – salvation!!!

As Paul said, “Thanks be to God!!!”  Amen.

Homespun Prayers —  Conversations with God

Homespun Prayers is a collection of prayers seeking God’s will in life as the author strives to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. The author talks conversationally with God, using idioms to parallel scriptures and seeking His thoughts about scriptures and their application to daily decisions. Some of the prayers will give you reason to smile or laugh while others may bring tears to your eyes. You will be encouraged to “pray continuously” about whatever is facing you at the moment.